Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day 2025
On Tuesday the 11th of February, all of Hipsburn Primary School took part in safer internet day. The focus for 2025 was  ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.' The whole school demonstrated and reinforced their knowledge of internet safety through a variety of engaging activities. 
In Alnwick Castle class, they looked at different types of technology and discussed how using technology could become unsafe. They then programmed a beebot to complete set instructions. In Bamburgh class, they discussed what to do if they feel unsafe on the internet. In Ford class, they learnt all about scams, how to identify them and what to do if they spot a scam. Ford class also completed a quiz to test their knowledge thinking about scenarios when people may be scammed. They then made internet safety posters on canva, including their top rules for e-safety. In Etal class, the children discussed scams and phishing in depth and made informative leaflets including e-safety facts/rules. Both Ford and Etal joined a BBC bitesize live session about scams and phishing.
A super day full of learning about the internet and staying safe.