Science Intent Statement and Progression Map
Science Curriculum Intent Statement
As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires. We are proud to hold The Primary Science Quality Mark Award (PSQM) and our curriculum is developed to build upon this practice, knowledge and understanding in alignment with our whole school values.
From an early stage, children develop a curiosity about the world around them and we aim to nurture this through the teaching and learning of science with a focus on scientific knowledge and enquiry skills. We know that children learn through enquiry-based learning, therefore science at Hipsburn Primary has been structured to ensure that our children have first-hand science experiences from the very beginning of their learning journey, where we celebrate and promote our children’s inquisitiveness. Science is all around us and so we utilise opportunities for outdoor learning where possible by using the field, pond and woodland areas within our school grounds and the local beach at Alnmouth which every class visits every half term.
At Hipsburn Primary School, our science curriculum offers opportunities for children to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding within the topics covered. Through the use of varied teaching methods, we strive to ensure that our children will be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science: both today and for the future. Pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions, including observing changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying, carrying out simple comparative tests, and investigating using secondary sources of information.
We have implemented a progression of knowledge and skills science framework which identifies children’s yearly progress of the skills and knowledge that they build upon within the Science curriculum. Our curriculum ensures progression of skills and cumulative learning through effective pedagogical and vocabulary rich teaching. Subject specific vocabulary is taught explicitly and built upon as topics are revisited to ensure conceptual understanding in order to be used accurately and precisely. This allows for independent exploration and investigation that then leads to progression of communication. Our curriculum is enriched with scientific enquiry using our own school environment, educational visits- to places such as The Centre for Life Science Village in Newcastle- and whole school workshops, including opportunities for virtual events. Every year, we celebrate Science Week and it is an opportunity for the children to apply taught skills for scientific enquiry and to learn about science in contexts relevant to their lives - for example, celebrating our local farming community through virtual live workshops with farms and interviewing people working in STEM careers within our school community.