English Intent Statement, Curriculum Information and Progression Map

English Intent Statement and Curriculum Information

 At Hipsburn Primary, we believe that literacy and communication are essential life skills. We aim to provide an interesting and engaging English curriculum that is underpinned by the belief that the skills learned are crucial for children to succeed across the curriculum and for life-long learning. 

Speaking and Listening

We teach our pupils to speak clearly, to convey their ideas fluently and confidently and to ask and answer questions. We encourage children to consider audience and purpose when speaking and so provide a range of speaking experiences and opportunities. Spoken language is at the core of all aspects of our curriculum.

Speaking opportunities are built into planning for all subjects. Children regularly work in pairs and mixed ability groups to discuss aspects of their work and report on their learning and the opinions of others. Staff model and teach pupils to speak clearly, to convey ideas fluently and to ask questions. Vocabulary is developed systematically and is reinforced using cross- curricular themes.

Pupils have a strong general and subject specific vocabularies and are confident speakers. They are able to express themselves and ask relevant questions to demonstrate and advance their learning across the curriculum e.g. assemblies, plays, committee meetings and festivals.


At Hipsburn, we value reading as a key life skill, and are dedicated to supporting our pupils to become lifelong readers. We believe reading is key for academic success. Every member of staff at Hipsburn understands that our intention is for every child to leave our school as a successful and accomplished reader. To ensure this, teachers plan well sequenced, coherent, ambitious reading lessons to meet the needs of all children in our school.

We aim to develop a love of books and reading from the beginning of each child’s learning journey with us and value the role of parents as partners in this vital task. Our pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure and read widely. We hear our children read regularly- both individually and in groups. We also value reading for its impact on vocabulary development and comprehension skills.


Parents kindly support the children to access to our school library on Fridays and Year 5/6 junior librarians support younger children weekly. We have invested in books which celebrate both our diverse culture and the diversity of authors. We have also recently updated our Science and PSHE sections with some wonderful new books that are already very popular! A clearly labelled library system has been implemented across the whole school.  When children are learning to read, each child’s phonics knowledge is closely matched to the reading book that they take home. All children from preschool to Year 6 can access the library to take home books to share with their family, in addition to their reading book, to foster a real love of reading.

Pupil voice shows children enjoy reading for pleasure and use school library facilities regularly. Children understand and can answer questions on the texts that they read. Pupil progress can be seen through termly and year end data in addition to our excellent SATS performance data 2019.

We use Read Write Inc. Phonics in Reception and Key Stage 1 to teach children to read with a daily phonics lesson (see the parent guide below for further information) and in Key Stage 2 whole class reading lessons are taught daily. Whole class reading lessons are based on class novels and a series of themed texts- sometimes linked to other areas of the curriculum. The texts include a range of fiction and non-fiction genres that aim to develop pupils’ cultural capital and wider knowledge. Our aim is that when beginning Key Stage 2, pupils will be ready to access whole class reading lessons; if they are not secure in decoding skills, they will continue to access RWI in Year 3. Through these reading lessons, teachers ensure that pupils are stretched and challenged and that children who additional support are identified promptly and interventions are put into place.


Writing and Grammar

The overarching aim for teaching writing is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Pupils are taught to acquire a wide range of sophisticated vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for writing. We develop writing skills so that our pupils have the stamina and ability to write at or above the age expected standard.

To support children in developing as independent writers, we provide a wide range of activities, including drama and role play, use of film and imagery, modelled, shared and guided writing, peer/self-editing and discussion. Pupils are taught how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing. We promote the status of written work by providing opportunities for children’s writing to be published and read by real audiences. For example, Year 5 and 6 pupils have recently written and sent letters to companies about the use of sustainable palm oil in their products.

Pupils learn the correct grammatical terms in English and that these terms are integrated within teaching. Handwriting sessions are taught explicitly and also incorporated into English lessons. A range of extra activities are used to promote literacy within the school including World Book Day, National Poetry Day and competitions.

Children develop a pupil voice and are able to articulate their ideas clearly. They have a real love for writing and enjoy writing for different purposes and for a range of audiences.