Summer 2024

KS1 Visit to Alnwick Library
Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh class had a really exciting trip to the playhouse on the 27th of June. We split into two groups; half of us explored the library and the other half completed a story and art session. In the art session, the children lay down on huge beanbags (which was exciting in itself) and listened to the story 'The Artist' by Ed Vere. Following this, the children looked at some famous artwork on the screen and discussed how everyone's idea of art is different. The playhouse had very kindly built us some super cardboard houses that we were able to decorate. The children used a range of media such as gems, stickers, paint, crayons, pens, stamps and tissue paper to decorate their house. The children  produced some fabulous, imaginatively designed houses and thoroughly enjoyed this activity! The library session involved exploring the junior section of the playhouse library. The children played, coloured and spotted Julia Donaldson characters around the library. Both groups really enjoyed having some quiet time and sitting down to read a story of their choice. Each group then spoke about their story choices and decided on one story to be read by Miss Richardson and Miss Cromarty. It was a super morning and we all agreed that we would love to go back and complete another session.

Let's Learn about Bones
Dunstanburgh Castle Class have been learning all about life cycles and had lots of questions about how bones change as we age! Bamburgh Castle Class joined Dunstanburgh to learn some more about bones and radiology in a super visit from Ruth Mather. During our visit, we looked at bones and cartilage. We were all super surprised that children have more bones than adults! We looked at a crunchie and how it represented the structure of our bones; we really enjoyed getting to observe and feel different bones. Ruth talked about her job and how x-rays show different fractures. We took time to spot fractures on different x-rays and how they differ with age. As well as this, we looked at different sticks that represented bones at different life stages; we learned how bones are much more flexible when we are young but are more brittle and likely to snap in old age. There were many budding radiographers in the room and lots of children made super links with their prior knowledge. 

Bamburgh Class - First Aid Training - Wednesday 5th June 
Bamburgh class worked with Ashleigh's First Aid to find out about what to do in an emergency at home, who to contact and when this is appropriate to do so. They found out what to do if they are on their own and their adult needs help; why it is important to tilt a patient's head if someone is unconscious to help keep airways clear and how to place someone into the recovery position.
Bamburgh Class Assembly Wednesday 22nd May - World Bee day
We have been learning about plants and finding out why Bees are important to plants and us. In our assembly the children were pleased to share information, facts and work about World Bee Day and how bees are very important to life on our planet. Bees give us honey but they have another important job. They are very important pollinators. Top tips to help Bees We must look after our bees! To help bees you could grow lots of plants and flowers to attract bees and help feed the bees. You can build bee lodges and hotels for the bees to live in. Don’t cut down hedgerows and plants.
Art In art learnt how to draw a bee, thinking about the different body parts and carefully added colour and detail to our drawings. We made a honeycomb using pastels to create colour and texture. Then we made 3D bees using papier-mâché.

Bamburgh Class have had a very busy couple of weeks. Linking to our science unit of plants, the children planted their own runner bean and observed them to see the different stages of growth.

KS1 Beach Day - Monday 20th May
On Monday, Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh had another super beach day! This time, our focus was the history of Alnmouth. We started the day off by discussing the Duchess Bridge on the way, then visiting the Old School Gallery and sketching it in our beach books. We looked at the different features of the school such as the different entrances for boys and girls and the school bell. After this, we climbed to the top of Bracken Hill, visiting the Battery and sketching the view. We then recreated the features we had seen in the sand.
After lunch, we discussed different types of bird nests and made these in the sand. We looked over to Church Hill and shared our knowledge about the great storm that changed the course of the river and destroyed the church. On our way back to the park, we stopped to watch a river survey that was taking place. We ended the day with a play in the park- we had a lovely time!

KS1 Beach Day - Friday 10th May
Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh Castle class joined up for their first joint beach day of the term. We had a fabulous day and really enjoyed learning in the sunshine! In the morning, we visited the friary gardens and allotments to look at plants. After this, we classified different leaves in the woodland area. Before lunch, we made our own gardens in the sand- there were lots of creative ideas! In the afternoon, we made the life-cycle of a butterfly in the sand. As well as this, we visited the park and played a bee game. A super day had by all! 

PTA Pyjamas Day Zzzzz - Friday 3rd May
On Friday, the children had a fabulous day wearing their pyjamas to raise money for school.