Summer 2024

EYFS Transition Summer Beach Day

What could be better than having some transition time and thinking about our Summer Seaside topic than on the beach?!

It was a wonderful way to celebrate how our current Reception Class have worked hard on beach days over the year and are soon to hand over to Preschool as the new Alnwick Castle Class.

We set off on our adventure in our Crew teams for the day and were quick to spot some wildlife along the way and pay special attention to the level of the River Aln as we crossed the bridge. Once we were at the beach we had a good warm up of our team skills by making a castle in our Crews. They were most creative and we worked hard on on our collaborations.

After a story break and reading the story 'The Snail and the Whale', we then collected shells for our whale on our way to lunch.

The afternoon was spent as pirates as we made our pirate ships - they had so many features and thought; it was a great display of work which we followed with making treasure bottles!

We were rewarded with a lovely play in the park and returned home with happy smiles and tired legs ready for a good rest.

Well done, Alnwick and Warkworth Castle Class - great Receptions and Reception class to be!

Week 4: Busy as Bees

We definitely have been busy as bees....

So much teamwork in the forest...balancing on the trim trail, bug hunting, minibeast hotel making, story telling, mud kitchen creating, water exploring and just lots of fun and learning with our friends.

We were particularly impressed with everyone's honey sandwich making...yum yum, thank you bees!


Week 3: Beautiful Butterflies

There has been so much ceativity for our butterfly week all aided by the classic story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

It has helped us think about the life cycle of the butterfly, learn some facts and then we have been busy making some fabulous caterpillars and beautful butterflies.

It was also a busy week as we had our 'Outdoor Day' with Bridie from Mudlarks and Alnwick Castle Class



Week 2: Frogs

Our theme this week has been all about frogs however, we have continued with so much growing too as we have loved tending to our seeds and developing our little outdoor garden.

So as our planting has continued to develop our fine motor skills; the forest area has been perfect for developing our gross motor skills. Lots of climbing, balancing, rolling, digging and lifting has been a good work out using our whole body!

The forest has been the perfect place for investigating and exploring all sorts of insects and bugs and we have become quite the experts at finding them.

We have also enjoyed working on our communication and language skills with lots of songs, froggy stories and listening about the frog life cycle... glub glub


 Week 1: Let's Learn about Growing

This week it has been all about growing to begin our wonderful new topic for the half term. We used the stories 'The Tiny Seed' and 'Jack and The Beanstalk' to get us thinking and we even read an alternative story 'Jack the Jelly Beanstalk' which made us giggle. We started by planting our beans and lots of different flowers so we cannot wait to see what they grow into! We had so many different types of seeds so it was a wonderful reminder that each seed and flower can be so different in shape and just as beautiful.

Our outdoor topic inspired lots of creations including flower wreaths. All this creating is helping to develop our fine motor skills and some of us are getting very good at our name writing. We write on the floor to build our core strength too.

Then of course we had lots of fun outdoors which is perfect for our outdoor topic!


Outdoor Day - Wednesday 1st May
Preschool and Alnwick Castle Class have had a fantastic time on our outdoor learning day with Bridie!
We started off our day with a walk along to Alnmouth Friary. We stopped to observe and learn about lots of different types of plants on the way, and spotted some wildlife such as geese and jackdaw's too. It was a great experience exploring the Friary gardens, there were new fruit trees beginning to grow and lots of colourful flowers. After sharing the story of Leaf whilst having our snack, we headed to the allotments to see what vegetables were growing. The children were very knowledgeable about different types of vegetables - especially about the types they like to eat!
We headed back to school for our picnic and spent the afternoon exploring our school's outdoor areas. Bridie went pond dipping and found lots of tadpoles! Can you remember how they moved? Some of our friends thought they looked like tiny mice as they whizzed around. To finish off our adventures we went on a scavenger hunt to find some outdoor treasures such as leaves, petals and pine cones. We then used our treasures to create some beautiful mini gardens in teams. It was lovely to hear the children describe their creations to the rest of the group.
We are all very proud of everyone who joined us today, they walked to and from our school very sensibly, listened to instructions well and represented our school brilliantly in our local community.