Year 6 London Residential 2024

A summary of the year 6 trip to London written by Verity and Oscar!
London was an amazing experience for all of us, there were endless activities to do and there was no stop to the fun. After a long journey we headed straight to the river cruise where we got 5 years of luck, since we got a wave from someone on tower bridge (which many people mistake for London bridge). Then we hopped on the London Eye where we saw spectacular views, and after working up an appetite we walked straight to Pizza Express. The next morning we drove to Madame Tussauds where the wax figures posed for the camera. After lunch, we arrived at the Natural History Museum which was a first for Hipsburn but turned out to be really interesting. At the Sound Café, there was a mountain of food on everyone’s plate. Mrs Doubtfire was an absolute treat (the fruit pastilles made it even better). On the final day, we went to the Harry Potter Studios Tour which was celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Prisoner of Azkaban’s film being released. It was thrilling because we were standing in the very scenes the actors (Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint etc) performed the magic of Harry Potter. At the end of the tour was a maze of toys, sweets and magic, where most of us spent a lifetime deciding what to get with the money we saved! On the final leg, we all enjoyed our McDonald’s before we got back on the bus to go home.