Bamburgh 2023-24

KS1 Beach Day - Monday 20th May
On Monday, Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh had another super beach day! This time, our focus was the history of Alnmouth. We started the day off by discussing the Duchess Bridge on the way, then visiting the Old School Gallery and sketching it in our beach books. We looked at the different features of the school such as the different entrances for boys and girls and the school bell. After this, we climbed to the top of Bracken Hill, visiting the Battery and sketching the view. We then recreated the features we had seen in the sand.
After lunch, we discussed different types of bird nests and made these in the sand. We looked over to Church Hill and shared our knowledge about the great storm that changed the course of the river and destroyed the church. On our way back to the park, we stopped to watch a river survey that was taking place. We ended the day with a play in the park- we had a lovely time!

KS1 Beach Day - Friday 10th May
Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh Castle class joined up for their first joint beach day of the term. We had a fabulous day and really enjoyed learning in the sunshine! In the morning, we visited the friary gardens and allotments to look at plants. After this, we classified different leaves in the woodland area. Before lunch, we made our own gardens in the sand- there were lots of creative ideas! In the afternoon, we made the life-cycle of a butterfly in the sand. As well as this, we visited the park and played a bee game. A super day had by all! 


Stickman Christmas Beach School Day

On Wednesday Bamburgh has a brilliant Christmas beach school day with Bridie from Mudlarks. We had many Stickman adventures. On the way to the beach we collected sticks and played Poo Sticks on the bridge. We used our imagination to make our own stickmen and retold the story using natural objects we found.

At lunchtime we listened to the story Santa Trap about a very naughty boy called Bradley who tried to catch Santa. In the afternoon we made Santa traps and a Santa sleigh on the beach.  Our traps included lots of amazing ideas such as trip wires, slides and nets! 

Beach Day 13th October
Bamburgh Castle class had an amazing 'Great Fire of London' beach day with Bridie from Mudlarks! We used all of our knowledge about the Great Fire of London to recall amazing facts. Then we built what London looked like during 1666 in the sand. Each group included key features such as close houses, narrow streets, St Paul's Cathedral, Thomas Farriner's bakery and even a hole for Samuel Pepys to bury his cheese. 
In the woods we talked about how we knew it was Autumn and collected different types of leaves that had fallen off the trees and other precious autumn finds, each group displayed and talked about what they had found. In the woods we talked about how the 'Great Fire of London' started with a spark. In groups we had a go at creating sparks using a flint and steel.
Later we went back to the beach and talked about different types of materials. Then in groups we collected materials that had been washed up on the beach. We created museums to display and categorise our collected materials. 

Outdoor Learning Day 

On Tuesday 26th September Bamburgh Class had an ‘All About Autumn’ outdoor learning day with Bridie Melkerts from Mudlarks.

 We had great fun on the field with the parachute playing games and taking part in mindfulness activities to help practise our listening and teamwork skills.

We talked about how we know it is autumn and thought about what we might find in our local environment. In groups we walked around our school grounds, collecting as many different autumnal treasures as we could find - berries, coloured leaves, seed heads, acorns and pinecones. We carefully made our very own museums of autumn for the other teams to visit. Displaying our treasures carefully each group explained and shared the things they had found. 

 We thought about autumn as a time of change and as days get short and colder and how animals get ready for winter. We talked about migration and how some birds such as the swallow have already started their long migration journeys. On our walk near the estuary we spotted and identified many birds and thought about why the estuary was an important place for birds and other creatures.

 We listened to a story and thought about how and why some animals hibernate and others need shelters. In teams we built animal dens.